Posts tagged: tail

In Space No One Can Hear You Bark


I loved Aliens as a young teenager. I memoriesed the film and would annoy my friends by saying the lines in sync with the characters. This is a take off of the theatrical poster. You can see the original on the Wiki entry for the film.

When I saw Alien. I always remember first seeing the adult creatures tail drop behind its victim and I have placed a squirrels tail into the issue. I also replaced the alien eggs with acorns (For those of you who are not sure what they are). I think I will do some other movie take offs in future. I really enjoyed doing this issue.

I have to say a word about Alien Lvs Predator. I have been aware of this for a while now and it continues to entertain me. Dam you Bernie, I would have loved to have done this. I don’t think I would have done as well as you though.

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